They can provide guarantees for correctness,reliability and cheap men's nike shoes security to establish multi-path routes.In addition,to reduce the number of nike running shoes route discoveries and improve the efficiency,in the first route discovery of ES_APDP,it is required to discovery as many paths as possible.Security evaluation technology of Ad Hoc nike shoes routing has widely attracted attentions.Some approaches such as analytical proof,formal nike trainers methods based on logic and the computability complex theory have been proposed. However,all of these methods have flaws.The UC-RP security framework is extended and improved in this thesis.UC-RP is based on the Universal Composable(UC)theory and the active-n-m threat model.The security of ES_APDP is chi pink dazzleanalyzed in the UC-RP security framework.And it has been proven that ES_APDP can satisfy the security definition of routing in UC-RP.Finally,we make a performance comparison between ES_APDP and related routing solution.ES_APDP is a provably secure and efficient node-disjoint paths routing.